When restoring any vintage motorcycle the spare parts list is indispensable. It will show you what you’re missing and what goes where as no matter how many photos you take, you never have enough. I have scanned a PDF copy of the R204 spare parts list here:
An excel version with some additional useful info:
As an aside; it took me the better part of a day to figure out how to upload a file larger than the limit set in WordPress. There are tons of almost correct answers on the web, but what worked for me:
- Go to the wp-admin directory of your site and create a file called info.php
- Add the following lines to it:
?> - Save the file and go to your browser where you type <yourdomain>/<yoursitename>/wp-admin/info.php
- This will bring up a screen which shows you which php.ini file is used for your site. You’ll find tips on the web to add php.ini files here and there to fix the problem, but unless you add or change it in the right location this does not help. In this file the following two settings need to change: post_max_size = 32M and upload_max_filesize = 32M into whatever you want
- If you’re on Synology like me you’ll find the file in a place similar to this: /volume2/@appstore/WebStation/misc/php56.ini
- Download putty.exe and enable ssh in your DSM console
- Connect to your diskstation using SSH and login as root; the password will be the same as your admin password
- Enter the following commands:
- cd /etc/php
- cp php.ini php.backup (in case you mess up)
- vi php.ini
- Then use the ‘h,j,k,l’ keys as cursors to move to the location the tow values you want to change
- Type ‘i’, this activates insert mode. Change the value. Hit escape.
- Hit colon followed by ‘w’ and press enter. This saves the file
- Hit colon followed by ‘q’ and press enter; this exits the file.
- Restart your Synology Diskstation
- Disable ssh again for security reasons
- Repeat when your upgrade to a new version of DSM
- Above stopped working mid 2016. I figured out the problem by opening a SSH, running from the root directory: find . -type f -name php.ini
- This finds all instances of php.ini. I subsequently changed all of them, but increased the M count by 1 for each instance (e.g. 1001M for the php.ini instance under the wp-admin folder).
- The winner in Synology was : /usr/syno/etc/packages/WebStation/php56
- As the search took a long time; the instances were:
- /etc/php/php.ini
- /etc.defaults/php/php.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php56/php.ini
- /usr/local/etc/php70.php.ini
- /usr/syno/etc/packages/WebStation/php56/php.ini
- /usr/syno/etc/packages/WebStation/php70/php/ini
- /volume1/web/<yoursitename>/php5.ini
- /volume1/web/<yoursitename>/wp-admin/php5.ini
- /volume1/@appstore/PHP7.0/usr/local/etc/php70/php.ini
- /volume2/@appstore/PHP5.6/usr/local/etc/php56/php.ini <- winner!