I have used the following websites while restoring my Bella (where they are not english, try opening them in Google translate):
- www.zundappfool.com – James Marshall, the ‘Zündappfool’, runs a website that holds a veritable wealth of information. If you take a few minutes to trawl through it, you will find James has collected many things Zündapp over the years and his on-line documentation repository is second to none. Please donate a few coins if you find it useful.
- Kevin Johnson has some good videos on youtube; look him up.
- Need a manual? Look here: http://www.zuendapp-anleitungen.de
A trove of manuals but also reproduction / original stickering - Hartmut’s Bella site has some great information that was useful to me: http://hartmut.homelinux.org/Oldtimer/Bella/Zuendapp-Bella.html
- Belatedly found another Bella blog today; could have done with the input before I started my project; thanks for blogging Simon: http://bella.bizzypeople.com/