These pages hold STL files and originals for Zündapp rubbers. Source files for the below models are in the link.
Zundapp Bella (all models)
The ring that goes between the brake lever and the drums on the Bella / 200S: 1236 z 6
The rubber ring that goes between the clutch lever and the clutch pressure bar on the engine housing: 1236 z 222
The ring in the clutch lever on the Bella through which you feed the speedometer cable (no part number in my booklet)
2 rubbers for the foot shift lever on the Bella 1236 z 210:
The bulbous rubber on the gear shift linkage on the Bella 616 z 215
Rubber block for above battery on the Bella: 1146 z 77
Inside rubber stop for the 200S / Bella shock absorber (no part number):
Here is a rubber I made to hold up the legshield that kept hitting the front mudguard bolt:
Zundapp 200S / 201S / 250S
Rubber stop for the fork rods:
Gear shift lever rubber on the 200S:
Engine exit rubber for the 200S through which the generator cables run:
Cant remember, but it fit somewhere :-).
The slide on top of the ignition lock for the 200S; Mostly accurate but doesn’t work very well with the square support underneath; is not strong enough with my filament.
The rubber that goes inside the main stand of the 200S to prevent damaging the engine block:
Protection rubbers for under the seat of the 200S; this goes into the seat bracket that rests on the rear mudguard
Self made rubber to increase the height of the toolbox under the saddle of the 200S
Steering dampener 200S